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Mistborn Wiki
Gender Female
Race Human (Half Skaa)
Alias Ascendant Warrior, Valette Renoux
Abilities Mistborn
Family Elend Venture - (Husband) (Deceased)
Reen - (Brother) (Deceased)
Tevidian Tekiel - (Father) (Deceased)
Messily - (Younger Sister) (Deceased)
Status Deceased
Appearances "Mistborn: The Final Empire"
"Mistborn: The Well of Ascension"
"Mistborn: The Hero of Ages"
"Mistborn: Secret History"
Spoiler warning!
This article contains important plot details.
You're not noble, Vin. You don't have to play by their rules--and that makes you even more powerful.


Mistborn Vin by Inkthinker

A Fanart Drawing of Vin on top of Kredik Shaw, drawn by Inkthinker on Deviantart.com

Vin is the main protagonist of the Mistborn trilogy. She was recruited to help overthrow the Lord Ruler by Kelsier, and played a pivotal role in the Lord Ruler's defeat, the subsequent Skaa government, and the consolidation of the Second Final Empire. She is later praised as the "Ascendant Warrior" in The Alloy of Law, though at that point she is more myth than fact.


At the beginning of the first book, Vin is a very untrusting girl growing up in Luthadel in the Central Dominance. She knows that she is special because she can use what she calls "Luck" but is later understood to be Allomancy, to help her survive and aid her thieving crew.

She has an older brother named Reen, but he deserted her. She still hears his voice in her head, however this is revealed to be Ruin, speaking through her ever-present earring.

Her sister was a Seeker, and her skaa mother was insane. Her mother, under Ruin's influence, killed Vin's baby sister via Hemalurgy to bestow Vin with an earring to increase her use of Bronze. Reen, seeing this terror, fled with Vin. After he deserted her, Vin found out that he had been killed by Steel Inquisitors, trying to protect her by denying her existence.

Her father, Tevidian is former Lord Prelan, and was executed by the Inquisitors. Vin scarcely knew her father, due to her existence being illegal under the Lord Ruler's law.

Vin lived a hard life, growing up on the streets. Reen taught her to trust no one. She has trouble going against this, but eventually learns to trust her fellow Crew members.

While attending noble balls in the guise of Valette Renoux, Vin falls in love with Elend Venture, a nobleman, and heir to the strongest noble house: House Venture. Elend becomes King at the end of the first book, marries Vin in the second, loses his title of King, and becomes Emperor at the end of the book. This effectively makes Vin the Empress.

The Church of the Survivor originally viewed Vin as a deity, the Lady Heir, as she was the apprentice of Kelsier, whom the Church of the Survivor worship as a messiah. At some point in the next three hundred years, she is then known as the Ascendant Warrior.


Vin is a Mistborn of great power and skill. She can pierce Copperclouds through usage of the earring she got from her mother, which Hemalurgically increases her abilities to sense other Allomancers. She has great skill with most other metals, and can make use of Duralumin to control Koloss, Kandra, and potentially Steel Inquisitors, although due to Ruin's influence, this is never possible. As Preservation's chosen successor, she can draw power from the Mists, and used this ability to kill the Lord Ruler and later defeat 13 Steel Inquisitors. She can only do this, however, when she is not wearing her earring, as Ruin is able to block her connection to the mists thanks to the earring's Hemalurgic properties. Vin is more powerful than most Mistborn, coming from a "pure lineage," although first generation Mistborn (such as the Lord Ruler, and for functional purposes, Elend) have greater raw power. She can Push and Pull on metals, and Soothe and Riot with a high degree of power. She has great control of Ironpulls and Steelpushes, using horseshoes to fly forward indefinitely. She can defeat Ham, a trained Thug, using only pewter and is able to win many fights in this manner.

In addition to her Allomantic abilities, Vin possess great resourcefulness and cunning, attributes gained from her time on the streets. She has a strong sense for danger, and is able to read a battle situation quickly, such as when she defeated Cett's assassins. She demonstrated a willingness to try innovative battle techniques, such as turning off her atium early to lull Shan into fatal overconfidence, as well as when she defeated Zane, who was burning atium, despite not burning atium herself.

Hero of Ages[]

Through much of the series, Vin is thought to be the Hero of Ages, but eventually it is revealed that she is not. While this title applied to multiple characters, both Alendi and the Lord Ruler also claiming it; the only true Hero of Ages is Sazed.

Vin thinking she is the Hero of Ages was really an elaborate plot by Ruin to achieve freedom. He altered the texts of the Terris Religion, making it appear as if Alendi, and later Vin, was the Hero. Vin uses her increased Seeking ability to find the Well of Ascension, then Ruin uses the altered texts to trick Vin into freeing him.


Late in the third book, Vin absorbs all of the Mists, becoming Preservation. After Ruin arranges for the death of Elend, Vin uses her new power as the God Preservation to kill Ruin, which also results in her own death. Sazed then absorbs the power from the bodies of Vin and Ruin and becomes Harmony. Sazed hints at his ability to return Vin and Elend back to life later on when he learns more about his new powers.
